What is the DISC Flow® Model?

The DISC model was designed to help professionals understand themselves and others. It describes four primary styles of behaviour:

The Dominance Style Direct and firm Goal-oriented and competitive Decisive May be strong-willed and forceful

The Influence Style High-spirited and enthusiastic Energetic and adventurous Optimistic Motivational

The Steadiness Style Humble and tactful Patient Well-balanced and even-tempered Harmonious

The Compliance Style Analytical and systematic Accurate and perfection-seeking Skeptical and measured May be more reserved and private

The DISC model works hand-in-hand with Emotional Intelligence (EI) to further understand how your teams think and feel. The self-awareness domain of EI covers introspection: getting to the core of your thoughts, habits, and personality.

Awareness of others covers sympathy: doing better at relating to how people around you feel, and being more receptive to their needs and feelings. We merge DISC and EI to provide our clients with a better method for assessing their employees and applicants. With DISCFLOW, you can make smarter and more nuanced decisions when hiring, training, and managing. Get started with the DISCFLOW model today! 

Originally posted by DISC Flow HQ https://discflow.co/Blog/disc-flow-model